Iwona Trznadel

I am a mature woman, a physiotherapist, a pilates instructor, a pelvic floor muscle trainer, and the creator of the Free Your Body system.

I have been exploring the knowledge and feeling of the body for several decades. I gained the foundations for this during my studies in physiotherapy in Warsaw at the Academy of Physical Education (Faculty of Rehabilitation). In everything I do, I strive for an understandable message based on solid knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and body functions. I conduct group and individual exercise classes every day. In my office, I massage, consult, and practice psychosomatic osteopathy.

I have completed dozens of courses, workshops, and trainings in the field of physiotherapy, massage, osteopathy, and urogynecological physiotherapy. I am a graduate of the “Metrum” Trainers’ School and workshops on personal development. I am in the process of continuous education, drawing knowledge from authorities in the fields that interest me, related to the knowledge of the body.

Iwona Trznadel

Moje szkolenia i warsztaty

Uwolnij MDM

Uwolnienie mięśni dna miednicy obejmuje zbalansowanie napięć w miednicy, odbudowę świadomości ciała w tym obszarze, uaktywnienie mięśnia poprzecznego brzucha i regulację oddechu.

Uwolnij MDM


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UwolnijCiało - Iwona Trznadel | Projekt i realizacja PixelWay.pl